Kala Jula & Gangbe Brass Band feat. Fama Diabate: Asro – Tribute to Kasse Mady Diabate CD
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From Mali to Benin and all the way to the Caribbean and New Orleans, backed by a dazzling orchestra of strings, skins and brass, the voice of a teenage genius explores the creole experience. For this pan-African journey between soul and Sahelian blues, Kala Jula has gone through a renewal, drinking from the sources of Benin's voodoo as much as from those of the jeliya, the tradition of the griots (storytellers, poets and musicians) of the Mande. To prepare this album, Samba Diabate and Vincent Zanetti met another native of the place, the famous singer Kasse Mady Diabate. When they talked to him about it, he gave their project his blessing. They were looking forward to him seeing it when it was finished, but life decided otherwise. Less than two months after their meeting, Kasse Mady died. This music is dedicated to him.
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