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The great new discovery of Mostar Sevdah Reunion – young Antonija Batinic in the role of new sevdah queen. Antonija’s voice is such that she can deliver the most demanding kara-sevdah songs confidently, genuinely, and authentically. After many MSR’s albums, this one has moved further on and raised the bar. It has brought the ampleness, better quality, new value. And it has...
15,00 € *
The freshness of sound is incredible, thanks to the changes in line-up recently undergone by the band. A few young musicians, full of hunger and with an impressive command of their instruments and voices, have taken the place of some of the more senior members, and have thereby pumped new blood into the band.
15,00 € *
Throughout, the musicianship of the group’s veteran performers is impeccable - wonderfully fluent, sinuous and brimming with passion. While the overall feeling may be melancholy, it's a beautiful kind of sadness that leaves the listener inspired rather than depressed. This reviewer is not the first to label Mostar Sevdah Reunion as the Balkans' answer to Buena Vista Social...
15,00 € *
The greatest collaboration with the Gypsy legend-Saban Bajramovic – including bonus cd with the 2 Remix singles. Sadan Bajramovic is definitely an old-school gypsy singer, with several decades of experience behind him. But don't confuse age with taking it easy. His voice might not have the sharp edge it once did, but the energy is quite apparent, and there's no lack of...
15,00 € *
The gret new discovery of Mostar Sevdah Reunion - 70 years old Milutin Sretenovic Sreta. The Balkan's Ibrahim Ferrer - forgotten and lost in a new age Serbian music scene, found his great come back with the one of the greatest Balkan's musical ensambles. Old Balkan standards with the typical MSR arrangements.
15,00 € *
DE Divanhana schauen gerne über dem Tellerrand und haben in den vergangenen Jahren unter anderem mit der populären türkischen Sängerin und Schauspielerin Suzan Kardeş zusammengearbeitet. Zu den Highlights ihrer Karriere gehört eine künstlerische Kooperation mit dem US-Musical-Star Bradley Dean. So ist die Sevdalinka also erstmals an den Broadway gelangt! Selbst die...
14,99 € *
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