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Amparo Sanchez - Ritual Sonoro LP Amparo Sanchez - Ritual Sonoro LP
Barcode 8435633928865 Amparo Sánchez präsentiert mit „RITUAL SONORO“ das fünfte Soloalbum der Sängerin und Leiterin von AMPARANOIA in ihrer intimsten, spirituellsten und persönlichsten Form. Begleitet wird sie von Raly Barrionuevo, einem argentinischen Folklorekünstler, und Willy Fuego, einem katalanischen Sänger und Produzenten. Gitarren und Stimmen erklingen in einer...
25,99 € *
Amparo Sanchez - Ritual Sonoro CD Amparo Sanchez - Ritual Sonoro CD
Barcode 8435633928889 Amparo Sánchez präsentiert mit „RITUAL SONORO“ das fünfte Soloalbum der Sängerin und Leiterin von AMPARANOIA in ihrer intimsten, spirituellsten und persönlichsten Form. Begleitet wird sie von Raly Barrionuevo, einem argentinischen Folklorekünstler, und Willy Fuego, einem katalanischen Sänger und Produzenten. Gitarren und Stimmen erklingen in einer...
17,99 € *
Al Andaluz Project - The Songs of Iman Kandoussi CD Al Andaluz Project - The Songs of Iman...
Barcode 4250095801136 Die Gruppe Al Andaluz Project gründete sich 2005 nach dem Konzertbesuch der Musiker von Estampie bei einem Konzert der spanischen Band Aman Aman im Rahmen der jüdischen Kulturtage in München. Mit dem Ziel, die Musik der jüdisch-sephardischen, christlichen und arabo-andalusischen Kulturen, wie zu Zeiten des maurisch regierten Spanien in friedlicher und...
16,99 € *
Vigüela - We CD Vigüela - We CD
15,99 € *
Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra - "7" CD Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra - "7" CD
The number whose symbology is deeply rooted in many cultures around the world. For BGKO, a symbol of the union of 7 stories from different origins, cultures, ways of living and thinking. Seven paths with the same destination? or the same path and seven destinations?Seventh studio album?
21,99 € *
Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra - "7" LP Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra - "7" LP
The number whose symbology is deeply rooted in many cultures around the world. For BGKO, a symbol of the union of 7 stories from different origins, cultures, ways of living and thinking. Seven paths with the same destination? or the same path and seven destinations?Seventh studio album?
27,99 € *
Pau Figueres - Latido CD Pau Figueres - Latido CD
The long-awaited new album by Pau Figueres is made up of the pieces that the guitarist and composer has been patiently putting together over the last five years. Some works all cooked over low heat; very intuitively and based on a prolonged period of rehearsal and meditation. Figueres has put them to the test on countless occasions and they have finally come to life on this...
20,99 € *
Sandra Sangiao - Sis CD Sandra Sangiao - Sis CD
With the collaboration of Marco Mezquida, Sandra Sangiao, founding vocalist of the Barcelona Gipsy balKan Orchestra, presents her album "SIS". It is created from melodies and lyrics that she has been singing for years and that have connected her with something beyond herself and her character. They have helped her to surrender to the great mystery of being alive and to...
20,99 € *
Palma, Mario - Llora Si Hay Que Llorar CD Palma, Mario - Llora Si Hay Que Llorar CD
Mario Palma, is a young singer from Seville, who has been able to get the support of great colleagues in his profession, leading him to the recording of his first album. Under the name 'Llora si hay que llorar', the musical concerns and talent of this young man, who will undoubtedly give a lot to talk about, are hidden.
19,99 € *
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