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The 2nd album from Belgrade Ethno-Noise outfit Lenhart Tapes, boldly extends producer Vladimir Lenhart's acclaimed re-tooling of submerged Balkan musics. Hypnotic Walkman jams meet industrial rhythm loops and trad-folk songs interpreted by a lineup of thrilling female vocalists: Tijana Stankovic, Svetlana Spajic (Gordan, Pjevacka druzina) and Zoja Borovcanin (Lira Vega). A...
22,99 € *
The 2nd album from Belgrade Ethno-Noise outfit Lenhart Tapes, boldly extends producer Vladimir Lenhart's acclaimed re-tooling of submerged Balkan musics. Hypnotic Walkman jams meet industrial rhythm loops and trad-folk songs interpreted by a lineup of thrilling female vocalists: Tijana Stankovic, Svetlana Spajic (Gordan, Pjevacka druzina) and Zoja Borovcanin (Lira Vega). A...
16,99 € *
With his new album, Gecko Turner confirms that he is a standout artist in the global groove scene, a must for the outernational sounds aficionados. Gecko's Afro-maduran soul is built on Afro-American music and drenched in Brazilian, African, Latin American and Jamaican sounds. There are also echoes of a youth marked in equal parts by our man’s admiration for the Beatles and...
16,99 € *
Balkansounds mal ganz anders! Alice In WonderBand aus Serbien zelebrieren auf ihrem Debütalbum „RikaTaka“ einen ebenso ungewöhnliche wie überzeugende Genre-Mix. Berührungsängste vor neuen Sounds: Kennt das Duo nicht! Akustische und ungewöhnliche Klänge verbinden sich mit der Balkan-Musiktradition. Folksongs aus Serbien, Kroatien, Bosnien, Nordmazedonien, Bulgarien,...
14,99 € *
From the beginning of the band's work, our idea is that the name of the album is not a set of songs and a story that ends with the release of a new album, but that it continues life and testifies to a certain philosophy, attitude and message of the band. Get Naked, we are still naked and honest as in the beginning. Nakedonia is still a state of mind and our fictional...
9,99 € *
DE „Basma“, das zweite Album des serbischen Folk-Kollektivs Vartra, schaut bewusst weit in die Vergangenheit zurück: Die Band lässt sich von uralten südslawischen Heilungsritualen inspirieren und beruft sich auf Folk-Traditionen aus Bosnien-Herzegowina und Serbien. Die Texte basieren auf überlieferten Bräuchen aus diesen Regionen und legen einen besonderen Schwerpunkt auf...
15,99 € *
The Magic of Vlach Music (a note on this edition) This is a music story about the first ten editions of the Gergina festival. Fifty-one artists and groups, with their music, singing and repertoire, show us the splendor, diversity and breadth of the festival program that had been thought out and developed in the period from 2009 to 2018. These are performances from...
16,99 € *
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