Ánnámáret (Annamaret) Luohteilbmi: Luođit CD
Ánnámáret Luohteilbmi is the new band of Sámi musician Anna Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman,
Ánnámáret, who performs traditional Northern Sámi yoiks, or luohtis, with fresh ethnopop
arrangements. Ánnámáret's ancient yoik sound and the modern sound created by the
Ánnámáret Luohteilbmi band combine to create an entity in which the old luohtis have been
given a new form in this era. On the Luođit album, the new luohti arrangements are
accompanied by traditional yoik solo performances. All the tracks on the album are person
luohtis from the core of the luohti tradition. There are both very old luohtis and new ones
written by Ánnámáret for her loved ones included in the album.
Luođit album is produced by Sami Zimmermann (keyboards, wind instruments and
programming) and the arrangements for the ensemble are made together with other
musicians Janne Lappalainen (string instruments) and Sara Puljula (percussion and double
bass). Ánnámáret's second cousin Petra Biret Magga-Vars is the second yoiker on the album.
Together, this yoik duo performs the yoik of their great grandmother on the album, both
accapella and together with the Ánnámáret Luohteilbmi band, reflecting the Sámi cultural
tradition of the time.