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Folker - Jahresabonnement Print / Leser:innen werben Leser:innen Folker - Jahresabonnement Print / Leser:innen...
Produktinformationen "folker - Jahresabonnement Print / Leser:innen werben Leser:innen" "GEHEIMER" LINK! Liebe folker-Interessentin, lieber folker-Interessent, Du bist hier, weil dir ein Freund/eine Freundin oder ein Bekannter/eine...
42,00 € *
Marin Jerkunica - Badija CD Marin Jerkunica - Badija CD
The incredible guitar player from Croatia combines jazz with flamenco and traces of funk, soul and balkan music can also be heard blended in his unique style.
15,00 € *
Mostar Sevdah Reunion - Tales From A Forgotten City CD Mostar Sevdah Reunion - Tales From A Forgotten...
The freshness of sound is incredible, thanks to the changes in line-up recently undergone by the band. A few young musicians, full of hunger and with an impressive command of their instruments and voices, have taken the place of some of...
15,00 € *
Mostar Sevdah Reunion - Cafe Sevdah CD Mostar Sevdah Reunion - Cafe Sevdah CD
Throughout, the musicianship of the group’s veteran performers is impeccable - wonderfully fluent, sinuous and brimming with passion. While the overall feeling may be melancholy, it's a beautiful kind of sadness that leaves the listener...
15,00 € *
Mostar Sevdah Reunion - Saban CD Mostar Sevdah Reunion - Saban CD
The greatest collaboration with the Gypsy legend-Saban Bajramovic – including bonus cd with the 2 Remix singles. Sadan Bajramovic is definitely an old-school gypsy singer, with several decades of experience behind him. But don't confuse...
15,00 € *
Mostar Sevdah Reunion - The Balkan Autumn CD Mostar Sevdah Reunion - The Balkan Autumn CD
The gret new discovery of Mostar Sevdah Reunion - 70 years old Milutin Sretenovic Sreta. The Balkan's Ibrahim Ferrer - forgotten and lost in a new age Serbian music scene, found his great come back with the one of the greatest Balkan's...
15,00 € *
Mostar Sevdah Reunion - Lady Sings The Balkan Blues CD Mostar Sevdah Reunion - Lady Sings The Balkan...
The great new discovery of Mostar Sevdah Reunion – young Antonija Batinic in the role of new sevdah queen. Antonija’s voice is such that she can deliver the most demanding kara-sevdah songs confidently, genuinely, and authentically....
15,00 € *
Laiksne - Ko zinu gaidīt? CD Laiksne - Ko zinu gaidīt? CD
DE "Ko zinu gaidīt?" - "Worauf soll ich warten?" - liegt zwischen dem Bekannten und dem Unbekannten. Das Leben wäre langweilig, wenn wir alles schon vorher wüssten", sagen die Mitglieder der Gruppe. "Drei Jahre lang haben wir an diesem...
13,99 € *
VA - The Magic of Vlach Music - Gergina 2009-2018 2CD VA - The Magic of Vlach Music - Gergina...
The Magic of Vlach Music (a note on this edition) This is a music story about the first ten editions of the Gergina festival. Fifty-one artists and groups, with their music, singing and repertoire, show us the splendor, diversity and...
16,99 € *
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